
Blessings: Master Meets with Disciples, Compilation I, Part 2 of 8, Aug. 11, 2015, Menton, France

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Many people in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) don’t see me. They want to see me, they cannot. Many Heaven Beings want to come here, sit here like you, but cannot. Many Heaven Beings want to change your place with Them. Want to sit here in front of me; They cannot. Because They don’t have enough merit. You’ve done good things in the past life, so you meet me. How many Aulacese (Vietnamese) can meet me? But I am happy that at least you listen to me, and you still believe in me. That’s very good. I am happy that you’re still here, that you still want to see me, and you still believe in my teaching. I thank you for that. I thank you for that. I really appreciate that. Because many people also left. Don’t eat vegan anymore and don’t want to see me or don’t believe. So you are still my good disciples.

Try to be more good. Alright? Alright. Be more good. No fight. No fight. Just be good. Just be quiet. Meditate. The more you meditate, the more you understand. No need to ask me anything. Later you’ll say, “Oh Master! I know. I can teach You.” (I’m already… I concentrate on the spiritual.) Then is good, very good. I want to wake you up a little. I do love you very much. That’s why I called you back. I said, you go down meditate before I change my mind. It’s good. It’s good. Now you know. Be good.

Life is short, short, short, short. Quickly meditate, quickly pray, because sometimes if we don’t practice well, maybe comes disaster, maybe the world is kaput, anything … You try hard. It’s not easy but try. But I thank you for still believing in me, still coming and wanting to see me. That’s why I open the door, let you in, give you (vegan) ice cream, give you (vegan) food.

How many people go there? No! Nobody can come to my house. Do you know where I live? (No.) (Thank You, Master.) I still think you are still OK. You’re OK. You must think you are lucky. Lucky. Very lucky. There are many Aulacese (Vietnamese) people who can’t be like that. They are poor, they also can’t go to America or Germany to work, right? It’s good that you’re healthy, know how to practice and be a vegan, that’s great. Very good! Very good!

I know. I remember. Have more, a little bit at the first time. Come again after eating. Where is the (vegan) cream that you gave me yesterday? (She is gone.) Is she gone? (In the house.) In the house? I am here and she doesn’t come to see me. And then they say that Master doesn’t let her see me. I want to thank her. It’s OK, good. Come. (Master is so beautiful.) Have to work. (Take care, Master.) Thank you. Thank you for running fast. You look small, but you’re fast. Thank you. See you later. I’ll come back soon. I will tell you when. I will call and tell you.

You’re still here? (Last day.) Oh, last night. Don’t break my heart. You working? Or studying? (Working.) What do you do? (I’m catering vegan food.) Wow. (Yes.) In Loving Hut? (No, no, no, stores.) In the store? (No. I cater.) I know. To do what? (We cater for parties, fairs.) Oh. Private? (Yes.) You have a lot of customers? A lot of clients? (Not yet. I just started.) Not yet? Then, whom are you catering for?

I have a secret recipe… Flour, just normal flour. And then, appropriate yeast. (Yeast.) Yes. (Oh, baking flour.) Baking bread flour, normal flour, and then yeast. And then some (vegan) soy cream. ([Vegan] soy cream.) Yeah. Of course, first you rub in some butter, vegan butter... (Yes.) And then put some (vegan) soy cream until it’s really mushy. […] Not hard, not paste, but still kind of a little bit wet. Then you put them in… Oh, not yet, not yet, sorry. And sweetener. Whatever you use, brown sugar or not, or agave, or stevia or whatever you use, appropriately. And then, flour, yeast, sugar, a little pinch of salt. And then… ((Vegan) soy cream.) Not yet, not yet, I’m sorry. Rub in vegan butter. I thought I had some pocket. Where is my bag? Come here.

Flour, yeast, sugar, salt, mix them together first, and then rub in (vegan) butter. And then you cut, maybe, one orange or two oranges. You chop, chop, chop, chop, very fine. Or you put in a blender, whatever you do. Not... Or blender is good, also. Or you can chop, so that they still have some chunks in it, little chunks. And you mix it in, and you squeeze the orange juice, leftover juice in it, and you peel one-tenth of the skin without the white, the really thin skin outside (zest). You rub it in. And now you mix well already, and then you put in (vegan) soy cream. And if it’s not mushy enough, you put a little bit of soy milk. And then you pour it in cups, and bake for maybe 20 minutes – 15, 20, depends. I forgot how long, I just have to… should look at my recipes. It’s my own recipe. Delicious cupcakes!

Of course you can put (vegan) chocolate. That’s the cupcakes, it’s really soft, really like cupcakes. It’s not hard. (Is there any way to get the ingredients?) Ingredients? (Yes. With the measurements.) You just have to try it. (OK, I’ll try.) I forgot; I left it in another house so far away from here. (It’s OK. I’ll try.) Yeah, I know you can, you will know it. (Yes.) And then if the texture, after you cook, if you make a mistake one time, then next time you know. If you already know how to cater, it’s easy.

I know the measurements; I just don’t have it here. (It’s OK, Master.) And if I have it, I would give it to you. It’s far away about 12 hours drive from here. If you drive fast enough, otherwise it’s 13 hours. I don’t know, it’s just so far away. But you try it, because I also didn’t have measurements when I first did it. I just based it on intuition. And I just mixed it and, “Oh, wow! It’s delicious, my God, it’s like a cupcake.” (Fluffy, too.) And fluffy too, and it rises up just like the cupcake. Then, at children’s birthday party, they’ll love it.

And you can put (vegan) chocolate, this liquid (vegan) chocolate. You pour it in, instead of too much soy milk, you put chocolate in it, chocolate liquid (liquor). Or you melt chocolate, just make it really mushy. So you can almost like scoop it and put it in the cup, because if it’s too hard, then the texture, it won’t be so puffy like that. (Understand.) Yeah. And you have to mix in enough amount, it depends. I remember, I think I used 200 grams of flour and then one orange with little peels in it, so it gives a kick. And whatever left over orange juice from that, I put it in. When you chop, the juice comes out, you put it all in. And then, the rest.

Or instead, you can use chocolate. Chocolate, already melted, or chocolate in the box, put it in. Or you can… what else did I do? That’s it. These two are my favorite. Otherwise, you can have a lot of soy cream and some soy milk to make it more easy to pour, and then it will puff, depends on the yeast. Don’t put too much yeast, it will puff too much, and then it’s not good either. You have to know the right amount. I forgot. (I will try it, Master.) I didn’t bring it. I never thought I would bake or do anything again. I just do it spontaneously and I use what I have. And instead of that, just soy milk and a little soy cream just for the texture to be puffy, but smooth. If not soy milk, then it’s too hard.

(No oil, right?) No oil. (OK. That’s good.) You have (vegan) butter already, (OK. That’s right.) vegan butter. The recipe is the same, it’s just the flavor is different. And then, instead of chocolate, you can put in nuts. (Right.) But you have to have the right amount of soy cream – like for the kitchen, for cooking – that soy cream. (Soy cream.) Liquid soy cream – not soy milk, and not soy cream powder. (I got it.) And then the texture is very smooth. (Yes.) You can also put some (vegan) yogurt, plain (vegan) yogurt (OK.) in it instead, then it’s also more smooth. It depends on what you have. (OK.) Otherwise, it’s… Ah! (Thank You, Master.) I baked it only one time, (OK.) so I forgot. That was like Christmas.

Photo Caption: Born and Specially Beautified by Heaven

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