
칭하이 무상사와 함께한 화상회의 -평화를 위한 주스단식 5부작의 3부

내용 요약
“We would also reduce the carbon dioxide somewhat, by means of going back to more natural vegetarian type of diet, as opposed to having meat diets. So, that in the biggest single thing in terms of our personal lifestyle. We could change in order to help solve the climate problem. ” Just leave one piece of meat and we have everything else as it is right now. And more later on, as the forest will regain its strength and grow back to a lash situation again and then attract more rain and protect the soil and cool the planet. And the most factor that contributes to our global warming right now is methane, and methane comes from livestock raising. So if we cut methane, the planet cools down quick.
모든 에피소드 (3/5)