
Eating Fruit and Vegetables for Optimum Health, Part 2 of 2 Aug 23, 2018

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So, if you don’t want any sweets, just get rid of them. Do it slowly, or quickly, whatever you like. But, do drink some of this kind of mixed raw stuff.

Don’t say something negative, like heart-attack and stuff like that. I told you before, I’m not sure if they told you, these are very bad trends. Don’t say something like that, because it’s just an emergency or it’s some mistake. Don’t say some bad thing like that.

Also, you don’t sleep in the office. Your brain, your mind, your body, the cells need to stay away from it when you finish your work. And when it’s a lot of work, maybe you ask somebody else to help you, so at least you don't have to work the whole night through. Maybe each one works like an extra hour, two hours, if possible to help. OK? Because your brain, your body, need rest. You have to go away from it to sleep. You can’t sleep in your office all the time. Anytime at all is no good for you, because the cells absorb all this environment, the hectic-ness or the anxiety or the work, or, whatever that you do, even without you knowing it, and the brain also, and then it will be overloaded.
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