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If we don’t do anything wrong and if we even eat vegan, we get more from that. If we meditate, we get even more than this. For example, one person who doesn’t meditate gets 5%, but the meditate person gets like 15%. Why? Because the vibration is higher, and then it meets with more level of higher blessing. Because they are on the higher level of consciousness. So the higher we go, the higher blessing we get. A high level Master, a Saint, for example, would bless you 500%. A normal saint who, for example, a monk in India, he meditates, he eats vegetarian, he meditates on any other method, it doesn’t have to be my method, he would even bless you 30% by his own merit, automatically. If the Master is higher than the Fifth level, would bless the disciple like 4,000% spiritual blessing. Even UFO people, extraterrestrial, they bless you from 10-60% every day. But the thing is, the people who are not vegan and who are not meditating, they get only 3% out of it. Because everything else has to deduct, deduct for animal karma, bad retribution, deduct for everything else and 3% left. That is the problem. We deprive ourselves of the benefit of so many blessings that’s all over us.