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On today's program, we'll travel to Costa Rica to learn more about the exciting and inspiring project, “Vegan World 2026.” “So, the mission of the ‘Vegan World 2026’ is to co-create a culture of normalized nonviolence. So, we are on top of a hill that used to be coffee farms and cattle ranches and it has now been turned into a native forest. And the idea is to understand how to live in harmony with nature, so that we are not running away from animals, we are not running away from spiders or killing them off when they come into our homes. We have to transition to a way of living where we can return land back to nature, bring back the forest, bring back the wild animals, so that we can sequester carbon, heal the climate, and solve the biodiversity-loss issue, so essentially returning Earth back to its pristine form, you know, Eden, back to nature.” “Our demands: governments stop subsidizing animal agriculture and start promoting organic plant agriculture. Two, media report the truth about animal agriculture's devastating impact on human health, the environment, and our fellow creatures. We plead: One: environmental, conservation, health, animal welfare and religious organizations adopt a public vegan policy. Two: consumers stop buying animal products. YOU CAN PREVENT YEAR ZERO!”