
Into the Light: Selections from the Kabbalistic Zohar, Part 1 of 2

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Today, we would like to present selections from the Greater Holy Assembly, a volume of the Zohar that expounds on how faithful believers in God who have lived virtuously will be taken into the Light and cared for by God when they leave this world. From the book “The Kabbalah Unveiled,” translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers (vegetarian). CHAPTER 45 CONCLUSION.

“[…] And the companions beheld that the holy angels carried them away into that veil expanded above. And Rabbi Schimeon spoke a certain word and fell upon his face. Rabbi Schimeon cried aloud and said: ‘Wherefore is this? Because a certain decree has been decreed against us to punish us, seeing that through us that has been revealed which had not been revealed hitherto, from that day wherein Moses stood upon the mountain of Sinai. Like as it is written, Exodus 34:28: “And he was there with Tetragrammaton forty days and forty nights.” Why then do I tarry here if, therefore, I am to be punished?’ And a Voice was heard which spoke and said: ‘Blessed are thou, Rabbi Schimeon, and blessed is thy portion, and that of those companions who are with thee; for unto ye has that been revealed which is not revealed unto the whole supernal host. But come, behold. It is written, Joshua 6:26: “And in his first-born son shall he establish it, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates thereof;” much more than in this instance also are these taken away, seeing that with the most severe and vehement study have they applied their souls hereunto at this time. Blessed is their portion, for assuredly they have been taken away in perfection, and such were not those who were before them.’ Wherefore died they? We have learned this. When thus far these words were revealed, the Supernals and Inferiors of those Chariots were disturbed, and the Voice which revealed the Ancient Word below resounded through two hundred and fifty worlds.

And before that, those (three Rabbis) could recollect their souls, among those words (of that Voice) their souls had gone forth with a kiss; and were joined unto that expanded veil, and the Supernal Angels carried them away. But wherefore those? Because they had entered in and had not gone forth alternately before this time. But all the others had entered in and had gone forth. Rabbi Schimeon spoke and said: ‘How blessed is the portion of those three, and therefore also blessed is our portion!’ And a second time that Voice pealed forth and said, Deuteronomy 4:4: ‘But ye that did cleave unto Tetragrammaton, your God, are alive every one of you this day.’ They arose, and behold, there was no place whence a fragrance went not forth. […]”
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