
The Reason Why Souls Come Down to This World, Part 4 of 4

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Please just pray for them, pray for the world, so that they wake up, ask for forgiveness, and ask for Liberation, them very selves. We can’t do much but cry. Just like all Heavens cry, witnessing myself suffer, but They can’t help much, because I want to shoulder humans’ pain, to lessen their karmic debt. It’s my wish to elevate Earth beings through this way. They are not allowed to go against my will, those sympathetic Heavens!

And now, you, the so-called initiates, the ones who have faith in my Power, now you understand. Humans have God inside and the free will given to them– they have to choose. That’s why this world has two paths: one positive. You have to choose if you want to be greater beings in the whole universe and in Heavens, and that you will have power later on to help others. Not just be simple, Heavenly beings, but you will also have more power in order to help others who need it – lower-level people or animal-people, for example.

In our world, there are many animal-people also from Heaven. They came down to help humans in their different ways. Even dog-, cat-, fish-, like giant fish-, and all the giant animal-people. Some are not all that good because that is their job. And even if you say the whale-people eat many small fish and other small sea creatures – they have to – to balance this world, because some of the small creatures in the sea are negative. They’re zombies and being driven by the devils to do harm, to give bad energies into this world. So, the whale-people, even if they eat these small creatures, they are helping us. We must open our third eye, the Heavenly Eyes, and the Heavenly Ears in order to know what is right, what is wrong. The surface, the appearance, cannot tell us the whole truth behind it. And only enlightened people will know these truths. And to be enlightened, truly, you have to find an enlightened Master to impart this, to transfer this power to you, by God’s Grace, of course. Without God, we are nothing.

Without a Master… I tell you truly now, like it or not – without a Master, enlightened Master, you’ll never get out of this circle of life and death. Even if you say, “OK, I can wait,” you think you can wait until trillions, zillions of years – when you go through all the suffering or happiness – then you wake up, you become enlightened, and then you go Home. No, no. Even then, at that time, you still need a Master to take you Home. It is like that. It’s the rule like that. There’s nothing I can do about it. So, don’t keep pressuring me to change this world into a paradise. It doesn’t work that way. Once you’re here, you are here. You’re a physical being and you have to fend for yourself. And if you really want to go Home, you must find a Master.

But there’s one good thing about Buddha, Jesus Christ, and all the Saints, like Guru Nanak, Lord Mahavira, the Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, Prophet Baháʼu’lláh, and Lord Krishna, etc. Oh, so endless Masters, you can’t even remember all, and you can’t even know all of Them. There’s one good thing about Them. Because we say that… OK, I forgot this. I mentioned it before and then I went to some other things, and I forgot.

Now, we go back to Christ and Buddha, for example. They call Them “World Saviors.” But we see, physically, They had only some maybe thousands of disciples at that time. And why do we call Them “World Saviors?” That is the physical appearance – that Christ only had some thousands of followers, or maybe much more or not. Or Buddha had also some tens of thousands of followers or disciples at that time. But, while They’re in the world, They elevate souls who are nearer to enlightenment status, nearer to Liberation status. They elevate them quietly. So these souls will also be enlightened secretly, and then they will go Home – the Buddha will take them Home. And almost the whole world population will be blessed by the Power of Christ, Buddhas, and maybe other Masters.

All the Masters, the real Masters, They will bless humanity at large by Their own Power. Even if those persons don’t know Them, They will still take the whole world up, in Their generation, of course, during Their time. Not all, of course, not all. Some are so wicked, some are devils, so they have to have punishment by the law of the physical. But those who are good and virtuous, even though they didn’t know Christ existed at that time, they didn’t know about Buddhas or anything, they’d still be blessed. Because if a Buddha or Christ is in the world, Their Power encompasses everywhere.

They don’t touch the law of karma; They don’t intervene with the human nature of free will, like They want to do this, They want to do that. Well, whoever has no such contradiction to goodness and peace, and God’s Commandments, then the Buddha, Christ – Masters – can lift them all up to a higher Heaven and teach them from there upwards. Like some humans who cannot go further than the Astral Level, Astral Heavens – Buddha will be there, manifested. The Buddha doesn’t have only one body; even in the physical world, Christ, Buddhas, all the Masters have many, many, countless manifested Light bodies. It means They can appear anywhere to help those who need – even though that person doesn’t see Him – thus, already enlighten them to some degree. And when that person dies, the Buddha’s physical presence, with tremendous Power, can bring that person to whatever level he deserves.

Even on the Astral Level, the Buddha will be there, too, and teach that person until he goes up to a higher level, to Buddha’s Land, for example, like that. So that’s why we call Them “World Saviors.” So, Christ doesn’t just die for His handful of disciples, or however many disciples the Lord had at that time. Or, Buddha doesn’t die and then goes away and only rescues His thousands of followers and disciples. No, no. He has more than that to do. The whole world in His lifetime will be helped, will be enlightened, will be liberated by Him. And after that, for some more generations, like as I told you, 200 years, or maybe a little bit more, 300 years – depends on the Power of that Master. Then those generations will be helped also because Buddha’s Power is still left on Earth after His Nirvana.

That’s why these Masters, They’re enormous. We can never thank Them enough – if we kneel on our knees a whole lifetime, many lifetimes to thank Them, give praise to Them, we can never repay Their kindness. I’m grateful all the time. Thank You, all the Masters. And, of course, I thank God Almighty for giving us these Masters, who come life after life, reminding us of God’s Teachings, bringing us Blessings and Power to uplift our souls and liberate us. We should always remember to thank Them, in the Grace of God, that any planet, any world at all, if they have any Master at all, that planet, that world, is so fortunate.

Only in hell it’s very difficult to rescue – but some Masters still can. And even a Master like Kṣitigarbha, the Earth Store Bodhisattva, is still in hell, helping the hell people, teaching them, so that they can at least remember God – whoever He can. Some have too heavy karma, He cannot, but whoever He can, He tries to remind them, and then they will be free from hell; after graduation, of course.

Now, I do hope you understand that the Masters do not come just to hula hoop and change everything. Because that has to depend on the humans’ maturity, spiritual maturity. And that, you have to respect. If we have been talking about this Liberation, and God’s Power, God’s way of life, and God’s Path to Heavens, all these decades, and some don’t listen, then they just don’t listen. Their time is not mature yet.

There was a joke – before, I told you, but I’ll tell you again. One guy used to have an addiction to gambling. He gambled every day. One of his friends, a so-called acquaintance – before this friend was enlightened, was with him. And then somehow, he became enlightened, met a Master. So, he saw his friend is still engulfed in this kind of gambling atmosphere and addicted, loses everything and suffers so much, and still likes to be there. So, he tried to take him to Heaven by his own power – brought him to Heaven to show him how Heaven is beautiful and good and all that. And that friend, the ignoramus friend, asked him, “Is there any gambling area here?” And the friend said, “Of course not. This is Heaven. You should know, this is beautiful and better for you. Don’t go and gamble anymore. Just follow my Master, and then you’ll be liberated.” He said, “No, I want to gamble. If Heaven doesn’t have it, I don’t want to stay here.” You see that?

So, it could be a joke, but it is also the reality with many people. And you can’t change it, you don’t want to… Just let them wake up by themselves. Someday, if they want to wake up long, long, long after trillions of years, then that’s their choice. If they want to go Home now, wake up now, get enlightenment now, and go back to God now, then we can help them, immediately. They can see God right away, as you have seen. You know that. But if they don’t want to, you can’t force them.

Just like doctors in the hospital would love to save all their patients and make them well. But if one person doesn’t want it, doesn’t sign the agreement, then the doctor cannot give him the operation or special treatment. Unless, maybe that person is already unconscious, swooned out, and maybe one of his family members can sign that the doctor is allowed to perform immediate surgery or some very special and maybe doubtful treatment to help that patient, then the doctor can. So, it’s just like the humans – they don’t want to go back Home until they’re beaten black and blue, life after life, and could bear no more. Then, they will ask to go Home. Then we’ll be ready, standing by, anytime. So, please do not force me, do not keep nagging me for that. I want nothing more than what you want, but it’s not the nature of the Universe, this way.

Please just pray for them, pray for the world, so that they wake up, ask for forgiveness, and ask for Liberation, them very selves. We can’t do much but cry. Just like all Heavens cry, witnessing myself suffer, but They can’t help much, because I want to shoulder humans’ pain, to lessen their karmic debt. It’s my wish to elevate Earth beings through this way. They are not allowed to go against my will, those sympathetic Heavens!

“Testimony by a member of our Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association (all vegans): (One day, during meditation, I entered Master’s energy field. As I meditated, I looked from the Universe above. Your Dharma body was very vast, encompassing the entire Earth. Your Dharma body was tremendous, but was just Light.) Understand. (Your great Light enveloped the whole Earth. And then, there was another body, You transformed into a very huge body and all sentient beings were enveloped by Your body. Your immense hands embraced all beings, caressing them. After caressing them, Your Light body slowly melted away, melted away, flowing into the sentient beings. At that time, I saw Your great sacrifice. Everything was some kind of energy. Only being inside that energy can one feel it. Because this energy cannot be described in words. The whole Universe above and many beings in the whole Universe, they all know Your greatness. Only human beings on Earth do not understand, none of them understand, no one knows it. When I saw that, I burst into tears. The Universe above, They have deep sympathy and sorrow for You. They looked down from above, but They could not stop You, because this sacrifice was Your choice. So nobody could stop it. And then I looked deep into Your eyes, and in Your eyes at that time, there were only sentient beings, nothing but sentient beings. And then something… it was all energy, Master. One must be inside that energy field to realize it. What I said is only a small part described.) I know. Yes.

(It cannot be described. Besides, I don’t know how to describe it.) I know. (In Your eyes, there was a deep longing for sentient beings to change, an extremely boundless Love, a great longing for change, and a deep sorrow. All these feelings of Master were...) At one time, yeah. (Yes, in that energy field, Your Vibration. Then, I was scared and burst into tears, because beings on Earth, their love is just like a speck of dust in the Universe. They don’t understand anything.) Yeah. (So I’d like to say to our initiates that having Master is really an unimaginable Blessing. Unless we could find, unless we could really see and enter inside that energy field and can feel it, we cannot understand it. Otherwise, it is just...) Just talk. (Yes. So having Master at this time is really such a blessing that I don’t know how to describe it.)”

I sometimes also was angry like you are now, also kind of very demanding God to change it – to change this world. But I guess they want to go through some suffering in order to know what it is like to suffer; so that they can help the suffering people, suffering beings, later on, in maybe a hundred years, thousand years, million years, when they become enlightened and have the power to help. Do you understand now? Because if you’re rich, you’re born into richness, all your life, you never even pass by any poor area that has some homeless people or poor people. You would never know what “poor” means, and you would never have sympathy, love, or compassion, or want to help those poor people at all.

So now, if they don’t want to go Home yet, then we just let it be. They have God within their souls, within themselves – they must know what they want. We just feel sad, sorry, but stand by. Alright. If I remember any other things, then I probably will tell you next time. Because if I’m going to send this to my team, they will be working all day, all night, to make it come out fast to you on Supreme Master Television. And if it’s too long, then they will work too hard. Every day, they work very hard already, and every time there is a new talk from me, they work even harder, extra hard. And I also. I also. Later, when they send it back, I have to check whether or not everything written down is correct or not. So, so long for now.

All my love, those who follow me or do not follow me; those who love me or those who don’t love me; those who support me, as well as those who oppose me, and are jealous of me – I wish all of you God’s Love, God’s Blessing, and quick enlightenment. Amen. Thank You, God, for speaking through me, for allowing me to talk to you this way, for inspiring me to remind you of your noble purpose.

Please remember: pray to God, praise God, worship God, thank God, all the time. Anytime you remember – one minute, two minutes, one second – do that. And maybe you will be helped more than you can even imagine. And maybe that’s the only “weapon” you have. If you don’t have any Master at all, maybe this will bless you to have a better status in this life and the next. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for letting me live still. Thank God for protecting me. Please, thank God for me also. Thanks, all the Saints and Sages and all the angels, devas, who try so hard to protect me, as much as They can. And thank You, all of Them, whoever protects humanity and all beings on this planet, as much as They can. May God bless you all. Love you. Love you all.

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