The Contrast in Leadership Between His Excellency Donald Trump and the Biden-Harris administration13:25The Contrast in Leadership Between His Excellency Donald Trump and the Biden-Harris administration(Has it ever seemed to you that President Trump has done more than any president in modern history?) In the 10 years I’ve been involved in politics, I’ve never seen an administration hit the ground running like this. I could spend the rest of the hour laying out the accomplishments under the Trump presidency despite everything thrown at Him. The markets just had its 12th straight record cloMake Peace2024-09-11 3594 Views94396p720p1080p2024-09-11Make Peace Please Don't Go (Poem written and recited by Supreme Master Ching Hai [vegan])8:44Please Don't Go (Poem written and recited by Supreme Master Ching Hai [vegan])Make Peace2024-08-23 2243 Views56396p720p1080p2024-08-23Make Peace If ur children killed or maimed in war, u’ll b in anguish. Other’s children r dying in ur war. Stop it now! U know what should b 4 ‘em.1:15If ur children killed or maimed in war, u’ll b in anguish. Other’s children r dying in ur war. Stop it now! U know what should b 4 ‘em.Make Peace2024-06-21 2335 Views43396p720p1080p2024-06-21Make Peace Make Peace Now Let the soldiers go home To rebuild nation torn Shed your hatred asunder Let your time be in prayers Do Beg God-forgiveness Be in peace hereafter0:52Make Peace Now Let the soldiers go home To rebuild nation torn Shed your hatred asunder Let your time be in prayers Do Beg God-forgiveness Be in peace hereafterMake Peace2024-06-18 2561 Views57396p720p1080p2024-06-18Make Peace KEEP Peace Now Do repent when you still can0:29KEEP Peace Now Do repent when you still can– KEEP Peace Now Do repent when you still can Hell fire never exempts any man When your breath leaves your lung Even all Heavens tied handsMake Peace2024-05-02 2868 Views83396p720p1080p2024-05-02Make Peace World leaders: wake up from slumber. B a peace vegan leader. Ur souls will b free 4ever.0:51World leaders: wake up from slumber. B a peace vegan leader. Ur souls will b free 4ever.Make Peace2024-04-19 2427 Views85396p720p1080p2024-04-19Make Peace Be the True Leaders and Governments: Make Peace. Be Vegan!1:43Be the True Leaders and Governments: Make Peace. Be Vegan!Dear world leaders n Governments,We the world citizens wonder why some laws r strictly enforced by imprisonment n or even the death penalty, while others r ignored completely, such as abusing, torturing, n murdering animal-people en masse in different ways in slaughterhouses, elsewhere, or even in the name of the All-Merciful God at Thanksgiving/Christmas, etc... 4 all of u leaders n employMake Peace2024-04-02 2481 Views76396p720p1080p2024-04-02Make Peace Take a look, who r ur family n friends? Rn’t they also humans, in other forms of babies, young, old, women, men + children? Now, take a look at ur enemies. Rn’t they just the same? Drop ur guns! Shake their hands!2:06Take a look, who r ur family n friends? Rn’t they also humans, in other forms of babies, young, old, women, men + children? Now, take a look at ur enemies. Rn’t they just the same? Drop ur guns! Shake their hands!Make Peace2023-11-10 2995 Views75396p720p1080p2023-11-10Make Peace Peace News Around The World - Part 246:24Peace News Around The World - Part 24Make Peace2023-11-02 2078 Views50396p720p1080p2023-11-02Make Peace Oh Gaza, count ur Blessings, make peace, love the living.1:08Oh Gaza, count ur Blessings, make peace, love the living.Make Peace2023-10-25 4520 Views39396p720p1080p2023-10-25Make Peace Oh Gaza, the world weeps 4 thee. No more bloodshed, plz! There is no actual enemies!1:50Oh Gaza, the world weeps 4 thee. No more bloodshed, plz! There is no actual enemies!Make Peace2023-10-24 4728 Views54396p720p1080p2023-10-24Make Peace Oh Gaza, Peace is the only victory, not how many neighbors’ dead bodies!1:15Oh Gaza, Peace is the only victory, not how many neighbors’ dead bodies!Make Peace2023-10-23 5364 Views68396p720p1080p2023-10-23Make Peace Oh Gaza, all lands belong 2 the Lord, not any grabber! Live in Love with ur neighbors, ,not die in horror!0:39Oh Gaza, all lands belong 2 the Lord, not any grabber! Live in Love with ur neighbors, ,not die in horror!Make Peace2023-10-22 5830 Views64396p720p1080p2023-10-22Make Peace Oh Gaza, start the healing. Fold hands 2 give God tks. Not extend arms 2 kill ur brethren!2:39Oh Gaza, start the healing. Fold hands 2 give God tks. Not extend arms 2 kill ur brethren!Make Peace2023-10-21 12515 Views95396p720p1080p2023-10-21Make Peace Oh Gaza, b strong. Destroy the war, not each other!1:02Oh Gaza, b strong. Destroy the war, not each other!Make Peace2023-10-20 257599 Views319396p720p1080p2023-10-20Make Peace Oh Gaza, plz make peace, not war!!! "Better near neighbors than relatives afar."2:03Oh Gaza, plz make peace, not war!!! "Better near neighbors than relatives afar."Make Peace2023-10-19 6855 Views156396p720p1080p2023-10-19Make Peace Make Peace Now Any country has some 2 offer 4 the wellness of our world Please destroy your madness Not our beautiful loving Earth0:38Make Peace Now Any country has some 2 offer 4 the wellness of our world Please destroy your madness Not our beautiful loving EarthMake Peace2023-06-15 1634 Views26396p720p1080p2023-06-15Make Peace Don’t b tricked into the foolish game of self- profiting-interest-war-provoker, b ready 2 defend ur ground >> make only peace!0:43Don’t b tricked into the foolish game of self- profiting-interest-war-provoker, b ready 2 defend ur ground >> make only peace!Make Peace2023-06-01 2768 Views7396p720p1080p2023-06-01Make Peace Save lives, not eliminate it. KEEP peace, do good deeds, choose vegan feed!1:43Save lives, not eliminate it. KEEP peace, do good deeds, choose vegan feed!Make Peace2023-06-01 2770 Views5396p720p1080p2023-06-01Make Peace KEEPING peace? Wow! The whole world will b thanking God! N kowtow 2 u.0:28KEEPING peace? Wow! The whole world will b thanking God! N kowtow 2 u.Make Peace2023-06-01 2869 Views15396p720p1080p2023-06-01Make Peace