
Master’s Message for “Loving the Silent Tears” in Mongolia

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On October 21, 2024, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) received an invitation from the Mongolian State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet and our Mongolian Association members to attend a performance of the musical “Loving the Silent Tears” in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on October 25, which is Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.

“Loving the Silent Tears” is an amazing Broadway-style musical that explores the soul’s profound yearning for inner peace. Drawing inspiration from Master’s poetic anthology “Silent Tears,” this enchanting musical production takes audiences on a whimsical train journey across 16 countries.

The three-day event, with performances on October 21 and 22 as well, featured over two dozen acclaimed theatrical and music producers, actors and actresses of the Mongolian State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet who put on a production of “Loving the Silent Tears.”

On October 25, the esteemed Mongolian artists performed before over one hundred VIPs, including foreign ambassadors, members of Mongolian Parliament, and more. Master’s jewelry collections, paintings, and lamps were exhibited, and guests were served delicious vegan cuisine from around the world. Master was invited to deliver the opening address. Since She is still in Her intensive retreat, meditating and working in a remote location for the betterment of the whole world, our Treasured Master was not able to attend, but sent the following message for the event organizers and attendees:

Master: Hi there! My most respectful and best wishes, greetings to all of you. The dignitaries: I offer you my sincere, high esteem, to you and your countries. May you all be blessed abundantly by the Will of Heavens. And may you be successful in all your noble endeavors and dreams.

Thank you, Mongolia, for inviting me to this exciting performance today to honor the beautiful artists, because they represent the beauty, the elegance, and the sincere longing within the subconsciousness to be the best that they can be in their artistic talents, and also the deepest longing to return to our original, noble enlightened Nature in the Kingdom of God, or we call It also the Lands of the Buddhas.

As you know, I live in the wilderness at the moment, and I don’t have truly any equipment or talent to conduct a live conference with you all. So may you have the good heart to forgive me. Life is full of surprises – oh well, for me at least – oh well, for me at least – all the time, all the time. We would never know what happens, even just the next minute, or the next second, even. So you saw me in different scenarios before, with different environments before, and now I don’t have all of that. I just have the forest, which is so loving and kind. I have a telephone, on which I can record and send to my team members, and they will make magic out of it. And I hope they will send it to you on time, because the invitation came kind of late for me when I had so much work to do.

But I’m so happy, honored and feel privileged to be invited to such a wondrous performance of all the most talented, beautiful artists of the Mongolian country. I wish I could be there personally, because many times the Mongolian Quan Yin initiates organized artistic rendezvous, gatherings, to offer the viewers or the spectators the most enchanting, incredible kinds of programs, that you could not wish for any better than that. But this time, it’s different. I cannot afford to be with you in person, even by teleconference as well. It’s difficult to always explain my situation. But my life is like that, full of surprises – sometimes good surprises, sometimes not too good surprises. Sometimes it can be dangerous; sometimes it can be very, very pleasant. But I feel that to be invited to your superb performance with so many distinguished governmental and countries’ representatives in one of the highest orders, I feel very privileged already. So thank you, thank you.

And I wish all of you the best time while enjoying such a flawless performance today. And may Heaven give you everything that you need. May you feel happy every day, and feel strong, energetic, to fulfill whatever mission that you have to take care of in this world, to facilitate your people inside your country as well as outside your nation.

I am sure this day, the celebration in Mongolia, would be grand, just like many other times, many other years before. So, I am sure, absolutely sure, that all of you will enjoy this happiness, this relaxation, this superb performance of real, noble artists of Mongolia, and perhaps from some other countries, if they have invited them. Please forgive me that I cannot be with you – I mean in person, even in a video conference – I don’t have enough equipment. I don’t have the facility and the easiness. And where I live right now with limited electricity from SOLAR PANELS, the telephone – I mean the “handy” phone, the best, even the most powerful one, still has problems to send my words out to the global friends, or/and to receive. So this is the most feasible for me to do, till further improvement in the train of life – of my life.

I wish all of you the best of life. I wish all of you the best of life. I’m very happy. Do not think that I feel lacking of anything. A little of this SOLAR high-tech perhaps, but it’s still doable. I am still executing my mission, my task, daily – every second, every minute, every hour, all day, all night. I’m very happy to do what I can. As I said before, as a normal citizen nowadays, no matter where you are, you still live better than the kings in ancient times.

So I feel like that, I feel like that. And I wish all of you have wonderful feelings, similar feelings, just like the way I feel. Because if God is with you, you always feel good. Yes, always. There’s nothing that can make you feel not good, nothing that can make you feel inadequate in any way. You feel always superb. You feel happy, blissful. You feel lucky, and there’s nothing in the world you want except God, except the Buddhas, the Masters, the Noble Saints and Sages. So, the best is feeling like that.

In the status of enlightenment, of fulfillment, you feel you’re lacking nothing. I wish all of you to feel the way I do. Doesn’t matter under what circumstance, you always have God with you. You always know that. And all the Buddhas are always there to help you in any way. OK.

Not too much ado; I’ll let you enjoy the extraordinary talents of the Mongolian artists, as I have enjoyed many times before. And each time seems to be better. So, have the best enjoyment.

We are with all the Masters in the Universes, They are with us, at all times, whether or not we realize it. I hope you realize it. I wish you to realize it, to know God, to know all the enlightened Masters. That’s the best wish I can wish for you. That’s the best life anyone could have. So, may God let us feel Hiers Love, feel Hiers Blessing and Hiers Protection. Then we have nothing to worry about, nothing to fear at all. Because actually, nothing ever happens to us in the soul level. We are always with God; we are always with our true Self. There’s nothing in the world you can wish for more than that. We never actually die. I wish all of you would understand that or realize that. But never mind, you will get there. You’ll get there. Just remember God! In your daily life, whenever you can. Everything else is secondary. Alright then.

I wish you all the best. Enjoy your beautiful time today, and maybe many other times, with the Mongolian artists. The Mongolians are exceptional – strong, powerful, and very, very genuine, very sincere. How lucky, I think, that I even have a chance to meet any of the Mongolians. So congratulations to all of you also, the foreign dignitaries and all the people who might have come from somewhere else to Mongolia – mysterious and wonderful, powerful country – to be with the natives.

So long for now. All the best to you. I’m so happy to have talked to you, just for a little while like that, and to feel so happy with you, because I know you will enjoy the performance. Amen! See you next time. Talk to you again, when we have a chance. May you feel God’s Presence, God’s Blessing, God’s Love, at all times! Then you’ll have nothing to worry about. Amen. Amitābha Buddha. Lord Jesus Christ. All the Masters in the Universes of all the times and from all the directions be with you!

Host: Our deepest appreciation, Master, for sharing inspiring words to open this beautiful production. With praise to God and all Heavenly Beings, we thank the Mongolian State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet for facilitating this event. May the attendees and all involved be blessed and uplifted immeasurably.

Please tune in at a later date for coverage of this “Loving the Silent Tears” musical production in Mongolia.