
Seeing Not Initiated Wonderful Souls Pass Away and Go to the Buddha’s Land

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Give thanks to Master’s Grace. Give thanks to the Great Supreme Master China Hai! This is from a fellow sister initiate’s father: “Give thanks to Master’s Grace.” The day after the fellow sister initiate’s father passed away, he came back with Master to express his gratitude for Master’s Grace. He was just a normal person who practiced the Convenient Method. However, because he had started to be a vegan and helped in rescuing and caring for homeless dog-people, Master said, “Since he kept the vegan diet, didn’t kill, and helped in saving homeless dog-people’s lives, I’ve brought him up to the New Realm to practice spiritually.” That’s why he departed from the world without any suffering. Here’s his message to the world: Be vegan, hurt no life, and then you’ll be able to die happily and go to the Buddha’s Land happily. Thank You, Master, for Your Immense Grace! Fang-Yin from Taiwan (Formosa)

Considerate Fang-Yin, Our thanks for passing on these important messages.

Master wrote the following to you: “Genuine Fang-Yin, we are grateful, as there are many not initiated wonderful souls in the world, nobly working for a vegan planet and/or saving the valuable lives of our precious animal-people. Some of this marvelous work is aired daily on Supreme Master Television, while many others work quietly AS UNSUNG HEROES in the background. On passing, we will all be blessed according to our individual merit. With much Love, I pray that you, your friends and loved ones, and fine Taiwan (Formosa) may know the wisdom of the Divine in your daily lives.”